Planning one hell of a road trip for September!

One place I really want to visit and experience is the great Banff National Park, after which we would visit Vancouver, so we are planning a road trip which would mean a possible itinerary of visiting some places in America too, if it works out it would truly be a lasting memory for us all.

Provisional plans would be to travel from Toronto and visit Chicago on the way there, followed by Minneapolis, then cross over back into Canada and after Banff, go to Vancouver and on the way back to pass by Seattle and then the amazing Yellowstone national park…we will see what happens, but just talking about it get me very excited.

4 thoughts on “Planning one hell of a road trip for September!

  1. Becky ashton

    Give my love to the area, I had the most amazing time there. You have to go to Seattle Market and if you get the chance to to Vancouver Island as well.


  2. shahssoliloquy

    My geography skills are very poor, I think I should assist myself with a map and then refer to your road trip. Sounds exciting either way and can not wait to read about it.

    – Nidah xx

    Liked by 1 person

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